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Try It Tuesday - How Does Mighty Patch Hold Up During Workout?

I love spotting a new pimple on my face - said no one ever! Today, that was me. I woke up with a giant, ready-to-pop pimple on my chin, so I immediately popped and covered it with a Mighty Patch. Then, I quickly realized that I had a class at Barry’s Bootcamp on today’s agenda.


Today's test: How does the Mighty Patch hold up during a hot, sweaty workout?out?

For those who haven’t tried Barry’s Bootcamp, it combines 25 minutes of cardiovascular work on the treadmill with 25 minutes of strength training on the floor. If that sounds like it would be hot and sweaty, that’s because it is. 

When I started the class, I was very aware of the acne patch, even periodically drying my face so it would stay on. However, at some point during my insane workout, I totally forgot about the Mighty Patch. So I was surprised to see that the Mighty Patch had stayed put through the entire class!

Mighty Patch Original after workout

I did notice, however, that the edges of the pimple patch had started to lift by the end of class. This got me wondering if there was a way to avoid that lift.

The answer is that the lift of the patch is largely dependent on the temperature of the exercise room. The Barry’s studio room was closed and humid. However, when I worked out at my gym in a cooler temperature, surrounded by high ceilings and more open space, the edges of the Mighty Patch did not lift.

What’s the science behind the difference?

Blackheads and whiteheads are types of acne, technically called non-inflammatory acne. They are caused by the entrapment of sebum, dead skin and bacteria in your pores. Blackheads occur when your pore is partially blocked and the pus inside your pore becomes oxidized

The warm sweat, humid setting and heat of my skin provided the perfect environment for my pores to enlarge. And there’s the Mighty Patch, sitting on my skin, drawing out all that liquid (and beginning to lose its stickiness).

mighty patch original post workout

But let me stop you before you go running to grab your Mighty Patches and plaster your nose with them to clear your blackheads. It won’t work, because your pores quickly close back up once the humidity is gone. Think of it like this: if you get a small hole in your car tire and don’t do anything about it, the tire will slowly lose air. But if you pump air into the tire at the same rate the air is leaving, the tire will basically stay the same size. Similarly, after you wash your face with warm water, your pores will slowly shrink in size. But if heat is constantly applied (via warm skin and environment) the pores will stay open. 

Science is pretty cool, right? Have you tried working out with a pimple patch? If so, comment below with your experience. We want to hear the good, the bad and the ugly!


If you loved this post, check out our last #TryItTuesday post: Will Mighty Patch Work on a Small Cut?

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