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Dermaplaning 101: Get the Scoop on the Hot Skincare Treatment

People are trying dermaplaning all over Instagram and Tiktok – should you shave your face too?! 🪒
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If you fancy yourself a skincare enthusiast, chances are you get giddy learning about all the skincare trends and hottest treatments (we do too!). One treatment that's become all the rage recently is dermaplaning. * What is dermaplaning, you ask? * We've got the A to your Q, friend. In this post, we dive into all things dermaplaning. Keep reading to learn what it is, how it works, if it's good for acne-prone skin, and if you should try dermaplaning at home—the scoop, below.

What is dermaplaning, really?

During a dermaplaning facial, a dermatologist or licensed medical aesthetician gently scrapes the skin's surface with a dermaplaning tool, usually a surgical-grade scalpel. Think of it as a chemical-free exfoliation treatment. It removes the dead skin cells living on your skin, causing it to look dull. And it shaves off the vellus hair (aka peach fuzz) from your skin, leaving it feeling baby soft. So why would anyone want to take a blade to their skin? Well, the benefits pretty much speak for themselves.

Dermaplaning benefits

  • Without all the peach fuzz and dead skin cells, your skin's natural glow will shine through.
  • Dermaplaning helps skincare products better penetrate your skin, making them work more effectively.
  • Your makeup will glide on like a dream and sit beautifully on the skin.
  • Dermaplaning also creates microscopic wounds that help stimulate the skin's collagen production, which helps plump the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Because we know you're probably wondering, no, dermaplaning is not painful. It's no different than the feeling of shaving. And, don't worry, the peach fuzz will not grow back thicker. It may feel that way because the hair is cut straight across, but we assure you it's just as thick as it was pre-dermaplaning.


How dermaplaning compares to other treatments

Dermaplaning is a great alternative to a chemical peel or microdermabrasion if you're looking for something more gentle. There's no anesthesia involved or skin lacerations, which means no downtime is required. The difference between dermaplaning and microdermabrasion is that dermaplaning is a deeper form of microdermabrasion. It takes off the skin's outermost layer, while microdermabrasion takes off the surface layer and doesn't remove facial hair.

Who dermaplaning is best for

Dermaplaning facials are safe for most skin types. If you have highly sensitive skin, though, you may want to pass on the treatment. The same goes if you have active breakouts. Dermaplaning can spread bacteria, cause more irritation and inflammation, and worsen breakouts. The treatment itself, however, won't cause pimples. It can actually prevent them because it gets rid of all the dead skin that clogs pores and hair follicles.

Dermaplaning cost

Pricing for a dermaplaning treatment will depend on your area, but they usually range from $40 to $250 per treatment. You'll typically notice a difference in your skin texture and tone right away, so it makes it feel like it's worth the splurge. It's recommended to do it once every month or once per season, depending on your skin.

Can you do dermaplaning at home?

Should you try dermaplaning at home? The short answer is yes and no. Given that dermaplaning involves using a dermaplaning tool with a blade, it's best to leave the treatment to the pros. If done incorrectly, it can lead to permanent scarring. That said, there are kits and dermaplaning tools you can purchase to use at home, making it more affordable. If you choose to go the dermaplaning at-home route, be sure to read through the instructions thoroughly.

Post-dermaplaning facial care

After a dermaplaning facial, your skin might be a tad bit red, but otherwise, you can go about your day per usual. Your skin barrier is more open than usual, and it can get irritated, so it's best to let your skin breathe for the rest of the day. Skip the makeup and slather on the SPF and be sure to keep your skin hydrated.

You can even use Rescue Balm to treat your skin afterwards! Our skin recovery cream can nourish and repair the bare skin after all that shaving. A little goes a long way, so just dab a pea-sized amount on your finger and massage all those ultra-replenishing ingredients into your skin. Bet your skin will looks good as new in days! 😉


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