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Pimple Correct

Pimple Correct helps stop early-stage blemishes in their tracks – with a fast-acting gel (delivered in a precision tip pen) that calms and reduces angry pimples without irritating skin.
helps stop emerging blemishes
aids in preventing new pimples
makes pimples look less red
Let's Crunch The Numbers
96% of people saw their pimple was less angry by day 3
87% of people said Pimple Correct is gentle on skin
89% of people saw their pimple was smaller by day 7


What’s the difference between Micropoint for Blemishes and Pimple Correct?

Think of these two as an am/pm duo that actually work quite well together. In the morning (and throughout the day, up to 3x daily) clear up early-stage breakouts with Pimple Correct. Before bed, use Micropoint for Blemishes for a super-focused clarifying boost (1-3x weekly).

Can Pimple Correct and Mighty Patch Original be used together?

There’s blemishes you can patch (or pop) — and then there’s the stubborn ones. Pimple Correct and Mighty Patch Original help you handle both. Use Pimple Correct to take control of early-stage pimples, then finish off with Mighty Patch to watch any gunk come out.

Will the silicone tip stay clean?

Yep! Pimple Correct is tipped with a washable, non-porous TPE silicone for cleaner product application that’s totally touchless. It can be washed by hand, or in the dishwasher – depending on how you roll.

Where does Pimple Correct land in my routine?

We recommend Pimple Correct be applied to just cleansed and toned skin. After it dries, you can follow up with serum, moisturizer, etc.

Pimple Correct The pimple clearing pen
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