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Skin School  >   date=2018-07-20

ManRepeller: Traveling with Liquid: How 9 Beauty Editors Pack Their Product

Add What You Need: “I basically keep the same routine as usual with a few extras: La Roche Posay cleanser is great for acne and gentle; La Mer Moisturizing Cream;Tata Harper Resurfacing Mask, which works wonders after you’ve been traveling on a plane or otherwise feel like you’re wreaking havoc on your skin; Mighty Patch pimple stickers to get rid of whiteheads overnight and trusty Elta MD sunscreenfor the AM. I like to think I’m minimalist, but my definition of ‘minimalist’ is likely more extra than most.”

Kristina Rodulfo
Senior Beauty Editor at
IG: @kristinarodulfo

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