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Skin School  >   date=2018-01-03

Into the Gloss Tried It, So Should You!

Better late than never! Emily Ferber, Senior Editor of Into the Gloss, recently discovered the magic of pimple patches. These tiny, translucent stickers that extracts the gunk from the face has saved many from the tempting urgency to touch the pimple or the panic of needing blemish-free skin right before a grand event. And yes, it’s that easy--no technology, medication, or confusion involved. It’s a no brainer why Mighty Patch is one of Emily’s favorites. The general term would be to say that the patch “sticks” on to the face but I would prefer to use the term “fasten.” The patch fastens itself on to the face and diligently stays there without the worry of it sticking to a pillow during a nap or falling off. Even with its mighty strength (sorry, the pun had to be there) the chances of it ripping the delicate layer of skin is extremely unlikely. Mighty Patch has its name for a reason: its deed adheres to its name. 

Emily found this method “universally successful” and assures that these are “a sure bet” compared to all the other blemish treatment methods. Have your skin be blemish-free AND scab-free as well. Curious to see if Emily is right? See what Mighty Patch can do for you and your lifestyle by ordering them on Amazon today!

These Pimple Patches Will Change Your Acne Routine For Good

It's almost too good to be true. Adhere a tiny sticker-a translucent one that bystanders won't even notice-onto a pimple for anywhere up to eight hours. Remove when you are ready and see whatever grime was deep in your pores under the sticker, now safely trapped within the confines of that sticker.


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Mighty Patch™ Variety Pack

For all your pimple emergencies

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